How does the hypothyroidism test work?
The thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH affects thyroid function. Elevated TSH levels most often indicate an underactive thyroid gland. The Thyroid Test measures TSH levels and thus provides an opportunity to detect abnormal thyroid function. If positive, TSH levels above 5 µNE/mL may indicate an underactive thyroid.
What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?
- fatigue
- levertség
- irritability
- weight gain
- loss of appetite
- oblivion
- concentration disorder
- depression
- dry skin, brittle hair and nails
- thinning body hair, baldness
- Frostbite
- constipation
- menstrual disorders
- product link
- goitre (goitre) can also develop
- hoarse, deep voice
- decreased libido
- elevated cholesterol levels
- swelling around the eyes
- heart rhythm disturbance, decreased heart rate.
Who is recommended to take the hypothyroidism test?
- for women who experience the above symptoms
- for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, impotence, low libido
- those with a family history of thyroid disease
What can cause hypothyroidism in the body?
- chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland
- thyroid hormone production disorder
- insufficient iodine consumption
- isotope treatment
- surgical removal of the thyroid gland
About hypothyroidism
With the number of patients suffering from hypothyroidism on the rise, thyroid disorders are now one of the most common health problems in the world, particularly among women.
Symptoms of underactivity can include fatigue, lethargy, weight gain, infertility, dry skin, thinning hair, forgetfulness, depression, colds, constipation and, in women, menstrual irregularities.
Hypothyroidism can also affect men. They may have erectile dysfunction, impotence, low libido.
The early detection of hypothyroidism is complicated by the fact that symptoms are varied and may be mild at first. The thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH is produced in the pituitary gland and regulates thyroid activity. Elevated TSH levels most often indicate an underactive thyroid gland.
The hypothyroidism test measures TSH levels and thus provides an opportunity to detect abnormal thyroid function. The hypothyroidism test is a rapid immunological test to measure elevated levels of the hormone TSH, which can be used to detect hypothyroidism. All it takes is a drop of blood taken from a fingertip.
What is included in the hypothyroidism test?
A doboz a teszt elvégzéséhez szükséges eszközöket tartalmazza, mint:
1 db lezárt alumínium tasak, benne:
- 1 db tesztkazetta
- 1 db műanyag pipetta
- 1 db páraelszívó párna
A dobozban található még:
- 1 sterile finger pricker for blood collection
- 1 db 1 ml puffer oldatot tartalmazó cseppentő fiola
- 1 db használati utasítás
- 1 wipe with alcohol (70%).
The Hypothyroidism Rapid Test is CE certified.
WARNING! Open the aluminium pouch only after you have prepared everything for the test! The extraction pad in the bag is not included in the testing process.
How to take the hypothyroidism test?
- Wash your hands with soap and rinse with clean water!
- Tépje fel a védőcsomagolást (a bemetszésnél) és vegye ki belőle a tesztet és a pipettát, majd dobja ki mind az alumínium-, mind a páraelszívó tasakokat!
- Push the small orange safety tab of the automatic spear towards the inside of the spear until you hear a click, indicating that the device is activated.
- Remove the orange safety tab with a twisting motion
- Clean one of your fingertips with the alcohol swab. Masszírozza az ujjbegyét lefelé, hogy megteljen vérrel.
- Press the spear firmly against the cleaned fingertip. Then press the release button.
- A lándzsa hegye a szúrást követően automatikusan és biztonságosan visszaugrik a helyére. Ne használja fel többször a lándzsát!
- Masszírozza a megszúrt ujjbegyét a vér kibuggyanásáig.
- Hold the pipette up to the blood drop and suck the blood up to the line marked inside the pipette. Do not squeeze the end of the pipette while doing this! Ha nem éri el a vér a jelzést, masszírozza újra az ujjbegyét, hogy még egy kis mintát nyerjen. Amennyire lehetséges, törekedjen a légbuborék elkerüléséhez.
- Drop the blood sample into the round sample collection window of the test cassette by squeezing the pipette.
- Wait for the blood to be absorbed from the sample window, then drop 4-5 drops of the vial containing the buffer solution into the same window. Leave the test cassette horizontal and do not move it.
- Read the result in between 10 and 15 minutes. Ne értékelje a tesztet 10 percen belül és 15 perc eltelte után!
Evaluation of the result
A megjelenő csíkok színintenzitása nem befolyásolja az eredményt!
Negatív eredmény
Csak egy csík jelenik meg a kontrollfelületen, a C jelzés alatt. This result means that the TSH level is within normal limits.
Pozitív eredmény
Két csík jelenik meg a kontrollfelületen: a T és a C jelzések alatt (nem számít, ha az egyik halványabb, mint a másik). This result means that your TSH hormone levels are higher than normal. If the result is positive, see your doctor!
Érvénytelen eredmény
Érvénytelen eredménynek számít, ha egyetlen csík sem jelenik meg a kontrollfelületen, illetve, ha csak a T jelzés alatt látható elszíneződött csík. In both cases, the test is invalid and it is recommended that the test be repeated.
Test your health quickly and easily with the Hypothyroidism test!
Remember, the sooner a possible abnormality is detected, the sooner unpleasant symptoms can be eliminated!