Acro Biotech is one of the largest and most experienced US-based biotech companies in the world. One of today’s most stable manufacturers of high-quality rapid diagnostic tools, the US company with a manufacturing base in China produces hundreds of different rapid tests. Recognised for its consistent quality in premium quality quick tests, it is a popular brand worldwide.
The aim of the study:
A urine test is a test strip containing different reagents. The test is used for the qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of the following parameters from a urine sample:
- Ascorbic acid
- Creatinine
- Microalbum
- Glucose
- Bilirubin
- Ketone
- Acetoacetic acid
- Weight
- Blood
- pH
- Protein
- Urobilinogen
- Nitrite and Leukocytes
- Calcium
The recommended use of the urine dipstick is in central laboratories and in doctors’ surgeries and patients’ homes (point-of-care). The results are read by comparing the corresponding area of the test strip with the colour scale on the box.
During illness or when the body is malfunctioning, the urine undergoes many changes before the blood composition changes significantly. Urinalysis is a useful indicator of health or disease and is part of routine health screening. The Urine Test can be used for general health assessment and helps in the diagnosis and monitoring of metabolic or systemic diseases affecting kidney function, endocrine disorders and urinary tract disorders.
For professional use only.